Who We Are
About Us
I started my art journey at a young age. Always making stuff & flipping from one thing to the next. Drove my mom crazy! I was drawn to people in need & pretty things. I wanted to hear those famous words everyone pronounces on The 4th of July-"OOOO Ahhhh!"
Lisa Katchur
My main degree was Nursing BSN. Lots of OOOOO-Ah’s there but a different kind! I found the human body artful & was fulfilled to help in healing! I also had a Stained Glass business for 10+ years. The windows got bigger & BIGGER & my body was getting older. Running around nursing floors & a 15 foot square art table took its toll. It was a grand time & I often ponder to how many lives I have touched & loved! Very mind blowing! I miss everyone of them!
I retired as a RN & took my love for sparkly things, handmade items, & my overwhelming need to be OCD & started my custom jewelry road! It's a huge world & the skills are endless! I learn something everyday and push myself to be better! I decided that I was going to make all the things I loved! I like to think that the items I create could last a life time & be treasured by small seeking hands in Ma Ma’s jewelry box. I want to create heirlooms! OOAK wearable art! This is how I am going to leave my final mark in this big vast world!
It took me awhile to discover I had a talent for designing and creating jewelry. I love the process. Being a jeweler is satisfying artistically, and as an expression of my likes and craftsmanship! This is my MAGIC POWER! To take a thought and dream and make it into something real. A form of alchemy?
Due to the nature of items being custom created please don't hesitate to ask questions. Especially at checkout to alleviate concern. I am happy to answer any question. Specifically, with my "Multi-functional" pieces!
Thank you for stopping by!